A Writer's Job
A writer’s job is exactly what it sounds like - it is to write! The subject and the genre of the writing, however, is up to each individual author. Depending on the writer’s purpose and interest, the writer can write stories, newspaper/magazine articles, scripts, graphic novels, poetry, guidebooks, editorials (opinion pieces), book reviews, instructional manuals, biographies, autobiographies, picture books, brochures, letters, etc.
Project description
You will be a writer working on a writing project of your choice. The subject and the genre of your project/piece will be up to you. You will move independently through all the stages of the writing process and, at the end, you will publish your work to a wider audience. Regardless of the subject and the genre you choose, you are going to write an artist statement as well.
possible genres
Here is a list of some possible genres that you could use for your project. Feel free to choose something different if you think of something else. Be sure to write it in your proposal!